Utilities and Services

Community Wells
Aqua NC (877-987-2782) maintains two community wells located on common areas of Nantucket Village. The main well is located behind Lot 20, with the secondary well located in the wooded area behind Lot 23. A third well is located on the common area by the gazebo/playground. This well is for irrigation purposes only.

REMEMBER: If the electrical power goes out there is NO backup generator for the wells. Please conserve water at such a time as the pressure will not be maintained until either the power is back on or Aqua NC sets up portable generators. We are only one of about 50 communities Aqua NC serves so backup generators are not available for all communities in time of need.

These two community wells are maintained by Aqua NC to established guidelines for potable drinking water. Periodic checks of individual homes’ water supply are performed for assurance the water supply is meeting NC standards. The water is softened, but not for the ease of use for customers. Aqua NC realizes that sounds harsh, but current North Carolina State Guidelines provides no standards for softness. Our well water has been softened to accept the treatments provided by Aqua NC to make the water potable. Aqua NC owns or at least, leases our wells and is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep. No one other than Aqua NC personnel and Forsyth Roto-Rooter, who regularly back flushes the system, should be in or around the wells. Non-authorized persons are required to maintain at least a 100’ radius away from the main well at all times.

There are several things we can do to help maintain the purity of our drinking water. It is important to NOT pour paint, chemicals or pesticides into the ground and to pick up after our pets. All of these things leach into the ground water and therefore, into our drinking water. A leaky faucet or a drip, at the kitchen sink wastes water and adds to your usage; get leaks fixed.

Septic Systems
Each home is equipped with an individual septic system. The system consists of a holding tank and the required amount of feet of primary leach fields. Some systems have a second holding tank equipped with an electrical pump. Others have only the single holding tank and no electrical pump as the leach lines are gravity fed. A secondary leach field is identified for each lot for use if the primary leach field becomes no longer useful.

REMEMBER: Your primary leach field may not be on your property but rather on a site located on one of the common areas located behind some of the lots.

Do NOT put grease and food items down your drain as this can lead to blockage of the septic system. If you have a garbage disposal, be sure it is the type equipped with an enzyme solution dispenser.

Below is a link to the EPA’s Homeowner’s Guide to Septic Systems. It is chock full of information on how septic systems work and how to maintain them.

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